Dec 8, 2006

Do Your Dogs Snore

I have two dogs, two male who are best friends Rich and Charu. We had the Rich about a year before we got the Charu, and have now had the two of them together for a year.

BOTH of my dogs have taken up snoring!! My male American Pit Bull Terrier (Rich) snorts (like a pig), snores (like a drunken old man), snores louder than a human would. Charu (a real tomboy), the puppy Puggle, snores quite loudly when he sleeps on his back. When I first heard Rich snore I was so amazed I woke he up with my laughing. It took me about 2 weeks to get used to hearing such a sweet little baby snore so loud! This is the funniest thing I've ever...

When I first noticed this, I got terribly paranoid and took Rich to the Veterinarian to check for all kinds of respiratory related illnesses. For weeks I would wake up in the middle in the night to make sure he was breathing ok etc. Well, it turned out there was absolutely nothing wrong with he. I paid a big bucks just for my piece of mind! He snored because of the anatomy of his face. He was perfectly healthy.
He's also a snorter and a very vocal dreamer. Anyway, now I am at rest about the problem, but not at night when my Rich and Charu snore to their hearts content. Us two boys, have got used to it and love it. At least we know that there is someone around at night.

Source: Askedweb information portal


Zork said...

Both of my dogs snore too. I think it is pretty common. Very entertaining I agree.