Dec 6, 2006

Content For A Dog Website

I'm going to be creating some content for a website of mine that deals with how to pick a dog breeder, with how get training dog, how to protect dog from diseases, dangers, end ets...
I would like to ask you all, what kind of information would you like to see in it?
I'm going to provide some basic information like what questions to ask your breeder, your vet, what questions you should expect?
But I was hoping to find out what other kind of information would be useful.
This will be focused on people wanting to adopt pure bred dogs and designer dogs and what they should look for.
Adopters - What are some of your worries?
What are some of the questions you would like to have answered?
Breeders - What information would you like potential adopters to know before they contact you?
Thank you all for your input.