Nov 30, 2006

Protecting Your Pet

It is important to watch for any tell-tale signs of illness so that you can spare your pet any unnecessary suffering. Your dog's eyes, for example, should normally be bright and alert, so if the haw is bloodshot or partially covers the eye, it may be a sign of illness or irritation. If your dog has matter in the comers of his eyes, bathe them with a mild eye wash., obtain ointment or eye drops from your veterinarian to treat a chronic condition.
If your dog seems to have something wrong with his ears which causes him to scratch at them or shake his head, cautiously probe the ear with a cotton swab. An Accumulation of wax will probably work itself out. Dirt or dried blood, however, is indication of ear mites or infection and should be treated immediately. Sore ears in the summer, due to insect bites, should be washed with mild soap and water, then covered with a soothing ointment and wrapped in gauze if necessary. keep your pet away from insects until his ears heal, even if this means confining indoors.
Source: Askedweb information portal