Nov 26, 2006

Flea And Tick

Protecting your pet It is important to watch for any tell-tale signs of illness so that you can spare your pet any unnecessary suffering. Your dog's eyes, for example, should normally be bright and alert, so if the haw is bloodshot or partially covers the eye, it may be a sign of illness or irritation. If your dog has matter in the comers of his eyes, bathe them with a mild eye wash; obtain ointment or eye drops from your veterinarian to treat a chronic condition. Inoculation.Periodic check-ups by your veterinarian throughout your puppy's life are good health insurance. Distemper. Young dogs are most susceptible to distemper, although it may affect dogs of all ages. Some signs of the disease are loss of appetite, depression, chills, and fever, as well as a watery discharge from the eyes and nose. Early inoculations in puppyhood should be followed by an annual booster to help protect against this disease. Canine hepatitis The signs of hepatitis are drowsiness, loss of appetite, high temperature, and great thirst.These signs may be accompanied by swellings of the head, neck, and abdomen. A veterinarian can administer the bacterins to protect your dog from this disease. Rabies This disease of the dog's central nervous system spreads by infectious saliva, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected animal. The local health department must be notified in the case of a rabid dog, for he is a danger to all who come near him. In many areas, the administration of rabies vaccines for dogs is required by law. External Parasites A parasite is an animal that lives in or on an organism of another species, known as the host, without contributing to the well-being of the host. The majority of dog's skin problems are parasitic in nature and an astimated 90% of puppies are born with parasites. Ticks can cause serious problems to dogs where the latter have access to woods, fields, and vegetation in which large numbers of native mammals live. Your veterinarian will advise which dip to use, and your dog must be bathed for at least twenty minutes. Internal parasites Four common internal parasites that may infect a dog are: roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. A veterinarian must first take a blood sample from the dog to test for the presence of the disease, and if the dog is heartworm-free, pills or liquid medicine can be prescribed to protect against any infestation.
Source: Askedweb information portal