Nov 26, 2006

Dog Travel

Most pets can be trained to become very good travellers provided you begin that training when your pet is still very young. Unfortunately, your puppy's first ride in the car is likely to be to the veterinarian's where, after a frightening, abrupt introduction to the noisy, jolting automobile, he is stabbed by horrible long needles. Is these any wonder that, in the future, he will run for cover whenever he hears you jingling your car keys?
Trips by car. Familiarize your pet with your car by taking him to a nearby park or an open area where he can run about and enjoy himself. Thus, you will have associated the car with something pleasant. Throw a dog biscuit or favorite toy into his crate, which you have placed on the back seat of the car, in an effort to preoccupy him. Long trips When you prepare for a lengthy trip, make certain that you pack a few essential items for your canine companion: a blanket, a thermos of water dishes, favorite toys, and any necessary medicine. Most hotels chains in the United States welcome well-behaved pets but it is always wise to ask about their policy ahead of time when you make your reservation. Vehicle travel safety A dog should never be left alone in a car. It takes only a few minutes for the heat to become unbearable in the summer, and to drop to freezing in the winter. The dog may jump or it may get something in its eye. Some manufacturers sell seat belts and car seats designed for dogs. Traveling with your dog in the back of pick-up truck is an unacceptable notion and dangerous to all involved
Source: Askedweb information portal