Nov 24, 2006

Dog Food

Some things to bear in mind with regard to your dog's feeding regimen follow. Nutritional balance, provided by many commercial dog foods, is vital; avoid feeding a one-sided all-meat diet. Always refrigerate opened canned food so that it doesn't spoil. When offering dry foods, always keep a supply of water on hand for your dog. Food and water should be served at room temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, so that it is more palatable for your puppy. Serve your pup's meals in sturdy hard-plastic, stainless steel, or earthenware containers, ones that won't tip over as the dog gulps his food down. Feed your puppy at the same regular intervals each day; reserve treats for special occasions or, perhaps, to reward good behavior during training and relish every in-between-meal tidbit you offer him. Do not encourage your dog to bed for food from the table while you are eating your meals. Food can be effectively used by the owner to train the dog. Doggie treats are practical and often nutritional- choose your chew treats choosily
Source: Askedweb information portal